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Jeera Seed Or Cumin Seed

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Jeera Seed or Cumin Seed, a fruit of Cuminum cyminum plant, offered by us is one of the main ingredients of the Indian cuisines. Jeera is widely known for its bitter, mild taste & aromatic smell and leaves a warm mouth feel on chewing. The seeds of the Jeera are half yellowish brown in color, oval in shape and 6 mm long.

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Ajwain Seed Or Carom Seed, Cereals Products, Choco Yumms, Corn Flake, Dietary Fibre, Dried Cloves, Dry Seviyan, Green Elaichi Or Green Cardamom, Indian Vermicelli, Instant Wheat Porridge, Jeera Seed Or Cumin Seed, Kali Mirch Or Black Pepper, Masala Macaroni, Muesli Flakes, Products, Rice Poha Or Flattened Rice, Soya Products, Wheat Dalia